International Rate Plans

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International rate plans are designed to manage international long distance usage traffic rates. These tools provide access to manage all international rate plans for usage based products.

International rate plans can be quite complex given the number of countries that must have rates defined down to the country code and city code level.

A typical international plan consists of hundreds of records that define the per minute rate from one country to another. The default outbound country is the United States, however other countries can be setup as the origin if desired. This is useful for 8xx rating.

Once a rate plan is setup, it should be tied to a Charge & Plan record and then can be added to a Product.

Security Maintenance Module
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here

International Rate Plans Inventory - TBS can support as many international plans as desired. See the inventory screenshot below.

International Rate Plan Detail - The international rate plan is made up of many individual country to country entries that when combined using the same Rate Code, form an entire international rate plan.

Filters - Since the international plans are so large, once inside an international rate plan, quick search options are available to easily find the country or city code if desired.

Rate plan Information - International plans are made up of many individual entries that define the Rate Method, Orig and Term City Code and Country Code and rating information. Each entry will have the same Rate Code name which "groups" them together into one plan.

The Rate Method determines the Orig and Term options available as well as triggers the screen to possibly ask for additional information such as "NPA". The Rate Method, "US Domestic Orig" is the default rate method and as it sounds, indicates that the rates for a plan of that type would be originating in the US and terminating elsewhere.

The rate plan must have at a minimum an Originating Region as well as a Terminating Region. The Term Region will drive the options available for Term region. For instance, the default Term Region is "International" therefore a Country Code selection list will display. However, if the Term Region was set to say, Caribbean, the options would change and show a selection list of Caribbean options.

International Term Region:

Caribbean Term Region:

To further define the exact location the rate applies to, an optional City Code can be entered. If no City Code is entered, then the rate will apply to the entire Term Region selected.

Applying an International Plan to a Product - International plans are not directly tied to a product. They must be inherently tied to a product via a LD plan or an inbound plan. Once an International plan is complete with all of the possible rates to / from certain countries, the International Plan can be attached to either a Long Distance rate plan or to an Inbound DID plan.

Adding / Duplicating an International Plan - Due to the complexity of international plans, within TBS, there is not "Add New" at the International Rate plan level. Initial rate plans need to be either loaded by a Precision or the default "out of the box" international plan can be updated or duplicated. Duplicating an existing International Plan will take the exact plan being viewed and copy all the countries and rates into a new named rate plan. This is useful if a set of customers need a small set of international rate plan adjustments needed.

Data Field Definitions

Field Name Definition Notes
Rate Code Unique rate plan name Each plan entry should have the same Rate Code in order to be grouped together to form a large plan.
Rate Method

Determines the Orig and Term country information required.

Options include:

  1. US Domestic Orig - defaults US as the Orig Region
  2. Non-US Domestic Orig - Allows definition of the Orig and Term Regions
  3. Special MCI Region Code - please contact Precision support
Orig Region

Defaulted / hidden for "US Domestic Orig" Rate Method.

For Non-US Domestic Orig Rate Method, selection items include the following and drive the options available within the Orig NPA selection list:

  1. International
  2. US
  3. US Territories
  4. Canada
  5. Caribbean
Term Region

Defines the Term Region and drives the selection options for the Term NPA. Options include:

  1. International
  2. US
  3. US Territories
  4. Canada
  5. Caribbean
(Orig) NPA Selection list that appears when Rate Method=Non US Domestic Orig. Selection items are driven based on the Orig Region selection (i.e., if US Territories, the Orig NPA is filled with only US Territory options)  
(Term) NPA / Country Code Selection items are driven based on the Term Region selection (i.e., if US Territories, the Orig NPA is filled with only US Territory options)  
City Code Allows further definition of the rate to a specific City Code within the Term NPA/Country Code selected.  
Location Desc Informational description  
Min. Incr

Indicates the minimum measure of time used to calculate the duration of each call.

Min=60 - Any call length will bill at a minimum 60 seconds regardless if under 60 seconds.

Add. Incr Indicates the incremental measures of time used to calculate the duration of each call  
Rate Rate per call